A very interesting overstrike
Los 2931
Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 21 mm, 2.87 g, 12 h), a contemporary imitation of an issue from Arelate. Irregular mint, after 324. CONSTAN-TINVS A[VG] Laureate head of Constantine I to right. Rev. [PRO]VIDEN-TIAE CAESS / [...]✱AR Campgate with open doors and two turrets; above, star. Cf. RIC 264 (for prototype). A very interesting overstrike. Traces of overstriking, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, formed since 1969.

This well-crafted imitation is a hybrid, combining a Constantine I obverse with a Caesar reverse. It was struck over a Cyzikus IOVI coin, specifically RIC VII 15. The original legend C VAL LICIN LICI remains visible on the obverse, along with part of a radiate head; on the reverse, IOVI CON_ and the mint mark SMK_ are discernible. The Licinius coin had been withdrawn from circulation in Constantine's territory. By overstriking it with a western type, the irregular mint increased its value from 0 to 1, allowing it to re-enter circulation.
25 CHF
220 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 16:26:00 CEST
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